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Terms and Conditions

Obvious but necessary statement
The terms and conditions are as follows: by the use of this site, you are agreeing to abide by the limitations set forth in the legal language.

Legal Language
The intellectual property in this website is copyrighted and subject to the Terms and Conditions of site usage. Unless explicitly noted and described otherwise, everything contained, displayed or streamed in or from this web domain, including the music, the writing, the visual artwork, and the website itself, is copyrighted. The intellectual property contained therein, includes but is not limited to: artworks, art images, music, music files, music scores, music notation, images, visuals, photography, diagrams, charts, maps, writing and programming. All of the aforementioned content and programming on this site is the exclusive property of XEVXS, unless otherwise noted, and it is protected by copyright law. Any unauthorized use of any content from this site without written permission is prohibited.

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